Wednesday, April 17, 2013

Trying the New Blog site

Looks like Blogsite is now part of Google/G-mail. I will give this a try. Hope not to be too confused.

Right now I'm in Montana, traveling to Wyoming tomorrow on our epic "Gone Crazy Trip 2012-2013". Our trip blog is at:

With Youtube videos on:

We've been on our trip for 7 months and will soon have visited all 49 states before we head back to Alaska, so check it out!

Monday, January 25, 2010

January 2010

Just remembered I have this blog. Guess I should write something in here (at least once a year or so).

We moved to Fairbanks, Alaska about a year ago. Don and I quit our jobs after paying off all our credit cards and saving a bunch of money.

We went on a fantastic trip to Ireland (Cork, and then Northern Ireland), Scotland, England, Wales and a few days in France (Rouen and then Paris). We spent about 6 weeks there in all and had a wonderful time. This was a once in a lifetime trip and we were glad we did it.

Of course, not long after that, the economy fell. Neither of us had jobs but we had rental property that needed subsidizing in Fairbanks (never have turned a profit on them). Within a month or so I found a job at a tv station doing technical work on their morning news show, and editing, plus work in master control. It's a great job. I still do that.

My husband, Don, didn't find a job and was unemployed for 8 months. We got back in debt with the credit cards, meanwhile. Still haven't gotten out. But in the end, he got his old job back and worked it out so that he could work two weeks on, two weeks off (that's 14 days in a row, with 12 hours each day). He has to fly to Kotzebue ($550 round trip) so it cuts into his pay (and room and board also). Still, he makes about what he'd make if he lived in Fairbanks and had a job. A lot of people do work like this, out of town.

So, we are working and have managed to keep our three rental houses (living in the basement of one).

Anyway, that's all for now.


Saturday, November 18, 2006

My introduction

Greetings. I have just created this website in an effort to keep in touch with my friends and family. I'm also getting on and I joined YouTube several weeks ago.

Years ago I used to write regularly in a diary but in the last few years I have given up the practice, largely. I guess I just feel that I write a lot of emails and they are all saved somewhere. But a diary is still a good idea.

I'm not sure why I should have MySpace, and Youtube but I am adventurous and willing to try them all out. So far, I really like Youtube and I have a number of videos up there, including my copious collection of Lord of the Rings spoofs which I've shot and edited in the past few years.

I live in Kotzebue, Alaska but grew up in Salt Lake City, Utah, for the most part. I graduated with a B.A. in Film Studies at the University of Utah (hence my interest in Youtube...) and right now I work as an aide at an elementary school.


My Blog URL

ON YOUTUBE: (My video channel)